Are You In Yet?
The second boom in crypto is coming.

After a crypto-winter that has lasted twice as long as most predicted, the good times are coming. The crypto market is going to rock n roll, but are you positioned to take advantage of it?
Every week crypto prices go up and down although currently, the trend is up.
Every week there is more good news from major organisations.
Every week there is more tech announced.
The next up cycle is starting right in front of our eyes. Can you see it?
The early enthusiasts/innovators created the first boom which took 10 years. Between 75 and 100 million people got involved and most of those, in the last 12 months of that cycle.
Crypto is now entering its ‘early adoption’ stage. The next strategic wave of early adopters will add 500 million people. This boom should peak in 2020 when the new platforms for institutional and retail investors are launched, with a flood of major credible crypto currencies from organisations like WeChat, Facebook, Western Union and World Bank. The smart retail investors will get involved and this is when prices will have their biggest speculative jump — Bitcoin to maybe $100k.
After this, the next strategic wave will be mass adoption and investment by the public. Most importantly will come the flood of community coins of sports clubs, charities and cities, and security tokens driving fractionalised ownership of companies and assets which will allow the world to buy shares of companies more easily.
But are you in yet?’ Have you bought some crypto to position yourself ahead of this wave? If not, you could miss the biggest growth boom in history.
If you’re ready, head over to and we’ll help get you started.